Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Week 11 EOC: Evaluation

Over the past 10 weeks we have been learning about advertising and some differences between advertising and marketing and also what makes a good advertisement. Whether it would be something witty, funny, serious, or simple yet completes that grabs your attention with an advertisement. We have looked at advertisements that have stepped “out of the box” for normal advertising. Such advertisements like the Lemon Ad for Volkswagen or the 1985 ad for apple. These advertisements have pushed the world of advertisements to a whole new level. I have gained a better grasp on exactly what advertising is and why it is so important to the world. I have learned about some great advertisements and find myself analyzing advertisements every time I see one. Have I become a great advertiser with this class, no but I have taken a step towards learning how too. It is a long process and requires tons of teamwork to accomplish all the great ads we see today and in the past.
Most of my work for this class has been handed in on time with the exception of a few tweets, which I found myself having trouble completing on the weekends because of my night job. My bedtime on the weekends is 8am or 9am in the morning instead of at night. Some of my tweets were late because of this but even if they were late I still made sure that there were 7 tweets a week, every week. I will probably receive one zero on a blog because unfortunally I had gotten sick and was unable to go to class. But even though I was not in class I did however finish the blog that was due for that day. I have begun to understand advertising better with this class and hopefully with future classes my knowledge will continue to grow in the advertisement field. 

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