Wednesday, November 16, 2011

EOC Week 6: Copywriting

They Wendy's commercials for there slogan "Where's the Beef" was started back in 1984. I'm sure we have all seen them at some point in time. The commercial shown above has three lady's on the phone calling several places, and asking them "Where's the Beef". Trying to state that Wendy's Burgers have more beef then McDonald's and Burger King. The slogan lasted for about a year for Wendy's and then died off after the actress who started the commercial stared in a Prego commercial that stated she found the Beef. In 2011 Wendy's reexamined there "Where's the Beef" Slogan and answered it with there "Here's the Beef" Slogan.
The New York Lottery has created a lengthy list of memorable slogans for the lottery campaign. It is arguable that the lottery helps schools in New York. But not only in New York but several other states say the same thing. But if that is the case then why is most of the schools in such bad shapes and cutting out arts and music from school. They kind of money that the lottery produces should be enough money to keep are schools safe and provide all kinds of studies for our children. So it makes me wonder how much really goes to the schools.
One of there most memorable slogans was "Hey, You Never Know". This was to try and convince people to play the lottery because with out playing you can't win. Which is very true, but really what are the chances of winning the lottery in the first place. New York recently rolled out a new slogan for there lottery "Be Ready" Which goes along with there previous tag line "Good Things Happen in an Instant". This new campaign hopes to entice people that they can be an instant winner at anytime on one of New York's Lottery games.

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