Wednesday, October 19, 2011

EOC Week 3: Thank You for Smoking

      Determine the scenario: What happens in this frame? In this ad you have a picture of Ronald Reagan smoking a cigarette as well as the lady. 
      What is the setting? What are the conditions? This ad doesn't have a particular scene. It’s a simple ad on a white background. It contains a picture of Reagan and women. With a groups of text about being a women magnet and the potential to become president.
      Who are the people or groups? This ad targets young men.
      What is their point of view around this specific experience? That if you smoke lots of their cigarettes that you will be successful because the president does and he is successful.
      What are their goals? To make smoking more appealing to the man saying that they will get the girl and he could have a promising future because Ronald Reagan smokes and he is president.
      What are their assumptions? What are their perceptions? This ad is giving the perceptions that if you are a man and smoke this cigarette you will always get the girl and you have that chance to become president. 
      Are there conflicts? Is there cooperation? There are a few conflicts within this ad. First is just because you smoke the Pall Mall cigarettes does not mean that you can become president. Just because Ronald Reagan smokes them, it doesn’t mean that you can smoke them and change your whole life. Also, just because you are smoking there a cigarette does not mean you can always get the girl. It’s not a girl magnet.
       What are the outcomes? I feel that this ad probably was successful to an extent in getting men’s attention and trying to get them to smoke. This addressed two things that men want to be successful at. The first is getting the girl and the second is becoming someone. Although some men may look at this and think that its crazy that people really feel that smoking can change your life like this. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

EOC Week 2: Three Examples of Questionable Ethics

I feel both these ads speak for it, but as a mom I feel this should have never been allowed. Last time I check your doctors tell you to keep plastic bags away from your infants as they could suffocate. Then please explain why these children are wrapped in Cellophane. These ad’s use baby's to sell their product but they do not care to realize the consequences of advertising like this. Kids can see this and think that its ok to wrap the baby brother or sister in plastic and it would be funny and cute. They don't know any better.

As far as the PETA advertisements go it’s not ok to eat meat but it is ok for PETA to create such provocative ads for children to see. I am all for being far to animals but I feel that this is going to far and is not what they should be presenting to fight their cause. I feel sex is a fall back in advertising when someone is having trouble trying to find a way to sell a product. Its said because I really feel that most of America is no longer shocked by advertisements that use provocative pictures to sell a product. It has seemed to come second nature with us. When we see an advertisement that leaves nothing to the imagination we just seem to brush it off and turn the page.

Is this really necessary to sell this product? This is an advertisement for a hat and yet the girl needs to be topless in order to do this. I realize sex sells, but is that all that advertising has to offer. Sex is a safe fall back for advertisers. They know that it is one definite way to capture the audience attention. There is better ways to sell things without posting a topless girl to sell a hat.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

BOC Week 1: About Me

When I was growing up there was one thing that I always interested in, and that is Art. Art interested me in several different ways from drawing to painting and sculpting. These forms of art gave me other ways to express myself. All through school I was considered a “tom boy” and I never really paid attention to what I wore as far as fashion but I always found myself watching what other people were wearing and thinking of ways to improve their outfits. Once I noticed that I had an extreme interest in fashion I started to pay attention to what I wore and what the current fashion trends were. I then started to sketch various articles of clothing and outfits. This brought out a whole new side to my artwork and it has been one of my main focuses ever since. I enjoy tracking new trends and trying to predict what will be in style next. Now I have been giving the opportunity to study fashion and everything that comes with the field. Because of my extreme interest and desire to study all aspects of the fashion industry, I feel that I will have the opportunity to be successful in the fashion industry with whatever aspect I decide to peruse.   

EOC Week 1: VW Lemon

Volkswagen Lemon Ad

In 1960, Doyle Dane Bernbach changed advertising forever when he created the Volkswagen “Lemon” Ad. This Ad was a simple black and white photo of the Volkswagen beetle with the word lemon printed in bold text. The bold print of the word lemon on this Ad is probably one of the most interesting parts if not the most interesting part. Why would Volkswagen call their own car a lemon? This is what pulls your attention in and makes you want to read more. Below the picture there is an explanation on why Volkswagen did this. The inspector rejected this car because blemishes on the chrome strip on the glove box. It also went on to explain how grueling the inspection process is for a Volkswagen and how 1 out of 50 cars do not pass. This statement says how reliable their cars really are. The final catch of the Ad is there ending quote, “We pluck the lemons; you get the plums.” This did an excellent job of summing up the main meaning of this Ad and what Volkswagen had to say about the reliability of their cars.
This Ad opened up a whole new world in advertising and started the era of creativity. Although a simple Ad, it caught the attention of millions.